Video: How to use Best & Worst Days for love & success and avoid heartbreak & failure.
America's Region.
See KEY, upcoming month,
& previous months below.
Details in Forecast Video.
Forecast Video for March 2025
Current Month Notes: March doesn't give us any truly stratospheric "WIN" days, but it gives us a fair number of days above zero. March's one lowest-scoring "FAIL" day is just barely in the zone for a truly Worst Day. While March might not provide the kind of jackpot days that create the odds for the most amazing momentum and traction, this many good, mellow days can create a nice month with multiple lower-level opportunity days. As always, it's necessary to overlay your personal Best Days with Universal Best Days to achieve the very most stellar outcomes.
Planetary Data:
Current Month Graph for Americas Region:
Days may shift slightly for other regions.
America's Region. See KEY.
See previous months below.
See Forecast Video for details when posted.
Format Key
BEST = Could possibly be good enough for a FIRST if your personal cycles are LIT! Depends on many factors.
2ND BEST = Good enough for a 1-day event. Not recommended for FIRSTS unless special circumstances.
NEUTRAL = Neutral/Mixed Energies.
2ND WORST = Avoid for anything important. No FIRSTS, make no big decisions, check your work.
WORST = Do NOTHING important. Absolutely no FIRSTS, make no big decisions, check your work. Avoid as travel days.
Best-Worst Days shown here are calculated for the Americas Region. Best and Worst Days vary based on different time zones.
Best-Worst Days for these additional regions are available via Instant Download : Europe/Africa/Middle East, Australia/East Asia, and South Asia.
See all the options here:
Upcoming Month Notes:
April offers both opportunity and some real risk. Find out more when the upcoming month's video posts late this month, or get a preview with a Best-Worst Days Advance Calendar.
4 Regional Time Zones
See all options here
From $59
AS ABOVE = SO BELOW is an ancient truth-bomb. TIMING IMPACTS OUTCOMES! It’s the hidden “Secret” to the Law of Attraction.
Above are the best and worst Universal days for the current and upcoming months. But get this: it’s always the COMBO of great Universal AND great personal stars that makes the MAGIC happen!!! Ever wonder why some things work out that “shouldn’t,” and other things don’t work out that “should?” The difference is TIMING!
Feel like it's "negative" to talk about worst days?
Worst Day notices are "Bridge Out Ahead" signs. Good to know, or not?????
No need to focus on negativity, obsess, or overthink. Just DETOUR!
Learn more about getting your own personal cycles here
You always need to know the quality of the day itself PLUS your ever-changing personal cycles to leverage Right Timing. It’s when you COMBINE BOTH that you can get the help you need from the Universe. If you don’t mind problems and failures, then you can do important things on ANY random day.
If you want the best possible odds of actually getting your desired outcomes, USE THE STARS!
About Best and Worst Days
Best Days are the very best Universal days in the month to start something new or meet someone new IF AND ONLY IF your personal stars agree. Worst Days are the very worst days for any new beginnings. Best and Worst Days are one important factor in choosing the most powerful days and avoiding the most damaging days for your important new beginnings.
You can use these days to help you create your dreams in love, success and more, but you MUST also use your personal cycles.* Best and Worst Universal Days do not indicate whether or not you can experience "a good day" during the day. I hope all your days are wonderful!!
Best Days from month to month are not equally good, they are the Best Days available for that month. Worst Days are not equally bad either. Not every Best Day is favorable enough for a super-important new beginning, though Worst Days should be avoided for important activities as general rule.
New months are posted on this page near the end of the preceding month. Scroll down to see previous months. Best Days are indicated in Yellow. Worst days are indicated in Gray. Days which are not shown as Best or Worst Days should be considered neutral or mixed days.
Activities List
DO these on Best days (IF your personal stars agree), try to avoid doing on Worst days:
Meet New People
Start New Projects
Make Bank Deposits
Make Major Purchases
Submit Applications
Try New Stores or Restaurants
Update Devices & Apps
Resolve Problems
Make Decisions
Move Forward
Sign Documents
Ask For Favors
Pay Bills
Buy Gas
*The ONLY way you can use Star-Timing to harness the power of the stars is to ALSO use your personal cycles. Universal Days alone are not enough.
Video: How To Use A Personal Astrology Calendar
Find your personal cycles - Get an Instant Star-Timer Calendar
Get 25% off with code: Best-Worst25
The very most important new beginnings such as Incorporation Dates, Wedding Dates, Employment Dates, and Surgery Dates should hand-chosen especially for you.
Not every new beginning is of equal importance, and the level of importance of the beginning determines the strategy to use. Learn More
Signup for Free Classes in Scientific Multidimensional Astrology here:
New Format Key above.
Old colors Jan - Mar & below: Gold = Best, Gray = Worst.
Old colors here: Green = Best, Gray = Worst.